Every year we set out an easter baskets for our little ones that are typically filled with gifts that end up being used once and tossed or lost.
Save yourself from wasting money on something that won't be found the next day. Here are 5 easy steps for creating an exciting yet practical Easter basket!
1. Pick a Basket
I recommend either choosing a basket that can be repurposed in your house for storage or organization OR a basket that can be stored and reused each year! I personally love the customizable Easter baskets that can be used and cherished year after year!
2. Add an Educational Toy
Instead of filling your child's basket with random trinkets that will be forgotten, pick toys or activities that will serve a purpose! Adding educational, outdoor, and interactive toys or activities will not only support your child's development but will also provide long-term entertainment! (You can shop some of my favorites here)
3. Choose a Book
We love a good Holiday or season-themed book in our house! You can also choose a book that promotes fine motor skills and has flaps, sliding features, and textures to make it extra exciting and fun! (Explore Easter-themed books at the end of my Amazon list, here!)
4. Choose an outfit
Our babies are constantly growing, so why not buy something that you already had planned on to fill your Easter basket? We added a swimsuit for Addy as the summer months are approaching quickly. Pajamas are also an amazing (and adorable) idea.
5. Choose a Snack or Treat
If you want to throw a sweet treat in their basket, I suggest opting for a dye-free, non-GMO option like Yum Earth! However, holidays don't have to be filled with sugar. You can always add your little one's favorite snacks! (Shop some of my favorite toddler snacks here).
Bonus: (tips to provide a waste-free easter basket)
Easter Basket Grass: Use a cute colored paper shredded that can be reused every year or shred the ads/newspaper you got in the mail you were going to toss anyway!
Easter Eggs: Save your easter eggs to use from year to year, purchase eco-friendly easter eggs, or use a collapsable egg-shaped bath toy as a fillable egg.
Easter Egg Fillers: Fill your kid's easter eggs on the hunt with their favorite snacks, little toys you have at home, or adventures written on a piece of paper you can add to your spring/summer bucket list.
Easter Outfits: We love shopping at H&M; they have the cutest dresses for under 10 dollars right now! Click here to shop!
Happy Easter!
Always, Jess
L E T ' S B E F R I E N D S!
