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My Favorite Non-Toxic Makeup Options

Updated: Feb 6

As I learn about all the harmful ingredients that can be added to products, I've become overly aware of what I'm using and have started to SLOWLY change my old products to cleaner options.

Slow is key because.. dang, it can get overwhelming to find new products that match your criteria in the correct shades/textures/coverage.

4 endocrine disruptors we should be aware of;

  1. Parabens: preservative in lotions and body wash. This is easy to find because you will see the word Parabens on the label.

  2. Phthalates- What keeps the fragrance lasting so long? These are harder to find because they don't have to be listed on products, so be careful whenever you see "artificial fragrance"

  3. Aluminum- is used as an antiperspirant in deodorants.

  4. Artificial dyes- especially if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin

Why avoid these ingredients?

Endocrine Disruptors are any ingredients that disrupt our hormones and alter the ability of our body to properly function!

-causing PMS, infertility, heavy bleeding, migraines, depression, anxiety, etc.


All the makeup products I used are shown below and linked next to the picture!

*Links are affiliate links which means I make a small percentage of each purchase. Thanks for the support!

Switching my makeup products was one of the hardest changes for me, but also one of the most important things as I use it every day! If you are looking to make changes towards a healthier less toxic life, check out my guide below to help you get started!

Always, Jess


 L E T ' S B E F R I E N D S!


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