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5 Ways To Feel Prepared this Holiday Season

The holidays can feel SO overwhelming if you don't get ahead of things. Doing these five things will get you started and let you enjoy everything you plan to the fullest!

To make things even easier and more organized, download my FREE Holiday Planner which comes with 15+ pages of tips, checklists, and charts to help you prepare!

Organize Your Calendar

Make sure to include what needs to get done, but also a bucket list of fun that you want to do this year! Some ideas of what to include are:

  • Family events

  • Family photos

  • Holiday parties

  • School events

  • Local festivals and events

  • Photos with Santa

  • Travel days

  • Gift shopping days

  • Day to decorate the home

  • Place order for holiday cards

  • Days off of work/school

  • Kids crafts (make ornaments, letters to Santa)

  • Decorating gingerbread houses/cookies

I love using my Google calendar. If you want to stay organized all year long, watch this video and set it up for your family.

Say Cheese 📸

Make sure you schedule photos with a professional photographer of your choice, a day to snap a picture of the family OR find a photo from this year to include on your holiday cards.

Pick out a website and a cute design, and upload your contacts (or check your address book) so that as soon as you get the photo, you can upload it and click order!

Want to save time? Use Shutterfly's option to address, stamp, and mail cards for you.

*Make sure you first have a sample sent to your home!

Gather Supplies

Schedule some time (yes, add it to the calendar!) to sort through your decor and supplies. If you find items you won't use, it's the perfect time to sell or donate! Use this time also to create a shopping list of items that you need for this holiday season!

  • Decorations/Lights *Make sure the lights are working!

  • Wrapping Supplies (Scissors, Paper, Tissue Paper, Boxes, Ribbon, Tape, Labels)

  • Watch Tutorials (Check out my socials for some wrapping inspo coming soon!)

I also recommend organizing these so they aren't in a big pile or stuffed in a box.. but you know me, I love organization.

Create a Budget

Creating a budget will allow you to better plan for the upcoming months. With so much miscellaneous spending, it can get crazy.

Here are some items to include below:

  1. Gifts/Stocking Stuffers

  2. Postage & Shipping

  3. Decorations

  4. Food

  5. Entertaining

  6. Clothing

  7. Events & Activities (tickets, souvenirs, food)

  8. Travel

  9. Holiday Cards

  10. Holiday Photos

  11. Wrapping Supplies

  12. Charitable Giving

Wish Lists For ALL!

If you need some gift inspiration for babies and toddlers, download my Holiday Gift Guide for Babies and Toddlers for free!

Start with YOUR family: Start with the easy task of creating a wishlist for you and your family. I love using Amazon to create an ACTUAL list that I can send to anyone who wants it. My husband has his own wish list, I have mine, and our daughter Adalynn has her own. If typing out a list or writing one down is easier for you- this is an option as well!

Getting others on board with a wish list: The first holiday that Addy was a part of, I reached out - WELL BEFORE- and sent her wish list to people I knew would be purchasing a gift for her. I explained that the items on her wish list were items that we wanted in our home and would truly benefit from, and almost everything was purchased right from that list. It may take several holidays of reiterating this to have everyone jump on board with the concept- but usually, consistency is key! It also helps if you ask for THEIR wish list, too! Then, they see the benefit of getting items they genuinely want or need!

LIST FOR OTHERS: The next step is to create a list of everyone you need to buy gifts for. Don’t forget to include family, friends, the Secret Santa exchange at work, neighbors, teachers, delivery men, hostesses, and stocking stuffers!

This year, I'm using an app called Santa's Bag to organize all the people and gifts! But the goal is to make a list of EVERYONE you need to buy, gift ideas for that person, and then keep track of what you have purchased.

I always recommend contacting others and asking for their wishlists (it makes everyone's lives easier, right?) Otherwise, use family/friends/internet to help you brainstorm some good gift ideas.

Here are some Gift Lists to help you get started!

The products linked below are through the Amazon affiliate program.

I will make a small percentage of money at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Happy Holidays!

Love always, Jess

L E T ' S B E F R I E N D S !




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