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ICE BATHS: The Physical and Mental Benefits Cold Therapy

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

As many of you know, I am a huge advocate for exploring alternative therapies and unique ways to boost our well-being. Today, I want to share with you something that personally played a massive role in my mental health as well as in preparing me for the unmedicated labor and birth of my first child - the transformative power of ice baths and cold therapy.

What is Cold Therapy?

Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is the use of cold temperatures to promote physical and mental health benefits. One popular method of cold therapy is the ice bath. This involves immersing yourself in a bath of icy cold water for a set period. Yes, it sounds intense, but stay with me!

Click to Watch a Video on the benefits

The Physical Benefits

The physical benefits of ice baths and cold therapy are extensive:

1. Reduces Inflammation: Cold therapy can help reduce inflammation and speed up recovery in muscles and joints. That’s why athletes often use ice baths to recuperate faster after intense workouts.

2. Boosts Immune Function: Regular exposure to cold can boost the production of white blood cells and antioxidant levels in the body, supporting overall immune health.

3. Promotes Better Sleep: Cold therapy can help regulate your body's temperature, which may lead to deeper and more restful sleep.

4. Improves Circulation: The cold causes your blood vessels to contract and then dilate once you're out of the cold, improving your overall circulation.

The Mental Benefits

Beyond the physical, there's a whole other dimension to cold therapy that many people overlook – the mental and emotional strength it can cultivate.

1. Builds Mental Resilience: Stepping into an ice-cold bath isn’t easy. It's uncomfortable and challenging. But with time, you realize that you can overcome the discomfort, the fear, and the resistance. This ability to face and overcome difficult situations is an invaluable tool, not just for childbirth but for life as a whole.

2. Helps with Stress Management: The initial shock of the cold forces you to concentrate on controlling your breathing, helping you become more mindful, present, and better equipped to handle stress.

3. Boosts Mood: Cold therapy can stimulate the production of endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators, giving you a natural high and improving your overall mood.

A Personal Benefit to Prepare for Childbirth

When preparing for the birth of my child, I used the mental training I developed from taking ice baths. It was more than the physical benefits; it was about preparing my mind to face a challenging and intense experience like labor and delivery.

I personally stopped cold exposure during my pregnancy, but have found that other women in other cultures do- a personal decision that you can talk to your doctor about!

With every ice bath, I learned to navigate discomfort, stay calm under pressure, and find strength I never knew I had. It was a type of mental and emotional training that carried me through to the moment I held my baby in my arms.

How to Properly Take an Ice Bath

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this chilling experience. 1. Preparation: Fill your tub with cold water. You can start off with taking cold showers or cold baths and then work your way to using a cold tub with ice, an emptied-out deep freezer, or a specific product manufactured for ice baths.

The goal is to find a temperature that is uncomfortable and difficult to stay in, which will elicit the cold shock proteins that provide your body with the benefits. Finding a temperature that is difficult to get into and stay in for about 2-3 minutes is ideal; however, when first starting out, even seconds are difficult. You can slowly work to a temperature of 34°F (1.1°C)

2. Submersion: This is the challenging part. It's crucial to fully submerge your body into the water, including your shoulders, as quickly as possible. It may sound counterintuitive, but a swift entry can help minimize the initial shock to your system. 3. Breath Control: Once you're in, focus on controlling your breath. Your body's initial response may be to hyperventilate due to the shock of the cold. Try to counteract this by taking slow, deliberate inhales and exhales. This will help you to stay calm and prevent unnecessary stress on your body.

4. Find Comfort: The ultimate goal is to reach a state of relative comfort in the ice bath. This will likely take several sessions to achieve, so don't be discouraged if it feels challenging at first. Gradually, your body and mind will adapt, learning to find peace amidst the chill. 5. After Care: Once you emerge from the bath, continue your intentional breathing and warm your body up with movement. Squats, stretching, and burpees are wonderful ways to get your body back to a normal temperature. Initially, a warm bath or shower may be helpful as well- but the goal is to teach your body to warm itself.

Remember, ice baths are not about punishing your body but about training it - and your mind - to embrace and handle discomfort. As you step into the cold water, visualize it as a metaphor for any difficult situation you're facing. You're not merely surviving the experience; you're learning, growing, and becoming more resilient.

Cold therapy is a practice that requires mental fortitude, discipline, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. But as with everything in life, the greatest rewards often come from doing the hard things. If you decide to give cold therapy or ice baths a try, remember to always listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.

As you face the icy water, remember that this is more than just a physical experience. It's a mental journey, a stepping stone to resilience, and for me, it was a path that helped prepare me for one of the most beautiful and challenging experiences of my life - childbirth.

Stay strong, stay resilient, and embrace the chill!



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