We aren't just talking about the typical things like registering for baby supplies and setting up the nursery. This is about all the things that will hit you suddenly that you may want to get a head start on now.
In this blog post I will be sharing the most important tasks from my Baby Prep Checklist (which you can find here!) I highly recommend this checklist because its packed with things you'll want to ensure you get done, and some things you may never have thought about- but yes, will make your postpartum life so much easier!
Or... Grab my New Mom PDF Bundle to help you prepare for baby! My New Mom Checklist Bundle not only includes what spaces you want to set up- like the nursery, a baby cart, postpartum bin, diaper bag, hospital bag, etc but it also has individual checklists to walk you through it! It also has a customizable birth plan, postpartum checklist, and so much more!
1.Baby Specific Tasks- I know I said I wouldn't be talking about the "normal things" but there are a ton of things you can do to prepare or nest for your baby.
Here are my top 5 recommendations;
-create a *nontoxic registry
-organize the nursery
-set up/preparing baby gear
-pack hospital bags
-set up baby cart & caddies
2. Tasks Around the House-There are some spaces that I would definitely give a good deep clean like your bedroom and bathrooms but the amount of deep cleaning you want to do is truly up to you. I do highly recommend decluttering any space you can prior to having a baby because its insane how much more stuff accumulates in your home!
In addition talk with your family (or anyone willing to help) and establish expectations for the first few weeks, months, etc. Even consider hiring a cleaning service if you know this will be too much on your plate- the goal here is to plan!
Prepare food (or a plan for it) ahead of time. EVERY MOM SUGGESTS THIS! An entire freezer full of meals, soups, crock pot recipes, breakfast sandwiches, etc., will still not be enough. Make as much as you can beforehand. In addition to that, take time to set up an online order with some easy postpartum foods to be delivered when you get home from the hospital, and consider a meal train where friends and family can sign up to deliver meals! Last but not least- make sure you have lots of snacks to keep your energy up (especially if you're breastfeeding!)
Along with food, you can stock up on household items you know you'll need or even pet food and treats (or subscribe and save through Amazon)!
3. Admin Work- There are several things you can do ahead of time to get organized for postpartum. My checklist includes more than 10 tasks that I wouldn't personally skip over, because there is nothing worse than sitting on the phone for hours or finalizing paperwork when you have a newborn demanding your attention. This includes things directly related to baby like finding a pediatrician, scheduling photoshoots, and preparing the baby book. But it also includes tasks that are just easier to do before baby arrives, like checking in on your budget, altering your will, and planning for upcoming holidays.
4. Preparing the family- Talk with other kids, create plans for right after birth (i.e., where they will be, who will be caring for them), and plan to make them feel included and special once home! Create a plan for pets during birth (have an actual printout for the dog sitter if necessary), learn about ways to introduce to baby, spend time training, and have special toys to keep them occupied! And most importantly have conversations with your spouse about whose responsible for what and how they can help to ensure things go as smoothly as possible!
5. Focus on Mom- Use this time to pamper yourself- maybe get a haircut, pluck your eyebrows, get your nails done, or take a bath! Do things that will make you feel good because time will fly by, and you'll realize it's been 6 months since you shaved your legs.... speaking from experience here.
Postpartum is an intense time for a mom. You have a newborn baby demanding all your attention, you are most likely not sleeping as well as normal, and through all this, your body is recovering from a HUGE event. Consider seeing a chiropractor, pelvic floor therapist, prepping postpartum clothes and supplies as well as just educating yourself on postpartum norms.
6. Other Important Tasks-
Establish a birth plan- that aligns with your values and share it with your care team (Here is a link to my exact birth plan that you can customize yourself)
Create a contact list/visitor plan
Educate yourself/take courses
hypno-birthing, c-section, CPR/first aid, Breastfeeding, baby sleep/co- sleeping, baby schedules, vaccines, baby feeding/BLW, types of toys, baby wearing, screen time, schooling, car seat safety, etc
This blog gives a general overview of some of the important tasks to get done but for a full list make sure to checkout my New Mom Checklist Bundle!
My goal with both pregnancies was to do whatever I could beforehand so that we could really focus on our new baby and all the changes that go along with it. While I truly believe nesting is important, most of the other unique items on my preparing for baby checklist are far more effective and will help the adjustment much more.
Always, Jess
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